Becoming One With Your Soul

One With Your Soul - yellow logo

 This project emerged from a deep inner calling to do what my Soul knows best: to assist others in aligning with their own Soul and reconnecting with their energy, wisdom and strength. 

We all carry our unique Soul knowledge within, but may have lost touch with it amidst this dual reality, rife with dogmas, stereotypes and judgment.

My sessions are designed to cut through these limiting barriers, whether they're externally imposed or self-inflicted, allowing your energy to flow freely and return to its authentic state. A state of embodiment of your Soul's vibration and alignment with your Soul Path.

The journey of a lifetime


There would be countless ways to manifest this Soul calling, this is just one avenue. Part of my personal Soul journey is to play an active role, while deepening and expanding my own connection as the path unfolds... And I feel this so deeply that my entire life has transformed just to be here with you at this moment.

About Me

Hi! My name is Rita, I'm Portuguese, and I work intuitively with the support of my spirit team.

I'm a Reiki master, NLP practitioner and was also trained in a multitude of modalities, such as divination, scalar wave transmission and intuitive energy body healing, by the School of Multidimensional Intuition. 

Rita @ One With Your Soul

Most importantly, I'm a multidimensional being undergoing my own spiritual and healing journey to reconnect with my Soul. This project is a vital part of it. 

And my personal quest

Music as a conduit

Music was my first love and is as necessary to my existence as the air I breathe. I feel it colors and gives shape to so much that our words or thoughts fail to translate. 

You'll find many musical references throughout this website. If you wish to feel whether a particular healing process resonates, I invite you to take a moment and listen to them. They are but one of a million possible representations of that specific healing.

Energy healing and its multidimensionality

My journey of self-discovery led me to work with amazing Souls spread throughout the globe, through this magic web we call the internet. They opened up a whole new world for me, as they showed me different ways of working with energy I had only dreamed of... healing without touching, with pure intention, while channeling multidimensional energies.

Getting to know them and feeling the energy working in my body changed everything. Suddenly, everything made sense, and the reason why I'd been drawn to explore their therapies was evident.

My healing practice changed significantly after connecting with these Souls as if their practices organically impacted and enhanced mine. I've since come to believe that we simply help others remember what their Souls have always known. It's all about reawakening that inner knowledge. 

Why not simply Reiki?

These experiences are also why I cannot call my healing sessions Reiki sessions, even though I always connect to the universal energy. I feel it's more than Reiki, as there are other multidimensional energies and practices at work, ancient knowledge from other incarnations coming through.

We're living in magical transformative times, and as such I feel my healing work will organically adapt and evolve as I continue on my journey. Stay tuned to keep updated!